The Messiah is here (Jonh 1:43-51)

Philip invited Nathanael, "come and see the one whom the prophets prophesied about, and whom the law of moses wrote about, the son of Joseph from Nazareth". Nathanael doubted, "can anything good come from Nazareth?".. Truly today, we doubt God's call, when He calls us by the Gospel, we see the act of conforming to the things of the world as almighty.. We reject Christ in different ways, lying, bearing false witnesses, not loving our neighbours as we love ourselves... And so on... So, who's to draw us to this Messiah *GOD WANTED!* Christ calls, Christ draws, Christ strengthens, Christ saves, we cannot on our own go to Him except He draws us to his bosom.. So we are empty vessels without Christ, but with Him, we're stronger than a legion... So, Christ is our cornerstone, on Him alone we build, He was baptized for me, for you, for all, that any who believes and gets baptized, may be dead to sin, and resurrect with Him.. So, put a smile on your face, the Messiah is here, He's in you, He's working for you.


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